Newsletters are so important. They are your opporunity to engage directly with potential customers who have expressed an interest in your business and who are keen to find out more as well as repeat clients who buy into your brand and ethos. Your email list is one of the most valuable assets you have and it's important to nurture and feed it in an authentic and creative way.
Newsletter Creation
Don't yet have a newsletter or looking to make-over the one that you do? Allow me to create a professional, personalised, mobile optimised newsletter template which will be the perfect showcase for your important news and updates.
Ongoing Newsletter Management
Want to outsource your e-communications entirely? I can manage your mailers for you, in fact I'd love to, it's my favourite thing to do! I can edit and optimise your copy, come up with snappy, mail-box-friendly headlines and take a peek at your analytics each month to see where improvements can be made. Oh, and I'll even integrate with your social media marketing meaning you'll meet your customers on every channel and continue to grow your mailing list.
Contact me for a quote, I'd love to help. I usually work in MailChimp or Dotmailer - they're both pretty ace and I can also give some training if this is helpful.